
Backing Rail Investment

Today at Brabazon with the team from YTL we discussed the planned Brabazon station and was pleased to hear that constructive conversations have been taking place between the West of England Combined Authority, Network Rail and YTL which could see the project being completed in Autumn of 2025.

Supporting Home Building at Brabazon

Today I visited the Brabazon development and met with Colin, Seb and Andrew at YTL to show my support for the building of this new community in our area which will now provide 3,000 more homes than originally anticipated.  I am particularly interested in the levelling up bid which I have sup

Jack Working with Stagecoach

It was great to meet with Rachel, Martin, Karen and Joe from Stagecoach at their depot on Gypsy Patch Lane who were very enthusiastic about the prospects for their Bristol operations.

Questioning the Secretary of State in the chamber

Today I asked the Secretary of State for Justice Brandon Lewis, to confirm that through the apprenticeship programme his department is running, prison leavers will have the opportunity to achieve qualifications that will help them into new jobs / careers - and turn their backs on crime.

Working with the PCC to tackle crime

On Friday I met with Mark Shelford, Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner who gave me an update on the increased police numbers in Avon and Somerset, as well as his strategy to introduce greater levels of leadership training at all levels of policing.

Discussing higher education with Vice-Chancellor of UWE

A very interesting meeting with Professor Steve West CBE, Vice-Chancellor of the University of the West of England. We discussed future provision and expansion of university accommodation with 900 new units of accommodation scheduled for the next academic year with plans for a further 2,500.

Promoting Local Aerospace Heritage

It was interesting to meet the new CEO of Aerospace Bristol, Sally Cordwell, who leads a fantastic local attraction which demonstrates the great aerospace heritage in our area. It also has a STEM learning centre, which will help to inspire the next generation of engineers and scientists.