
Funding Increase for Avon & Somerset Police

I welcome today’s announcement from the Home Office that there will be a £450 million increase in police funding across England and Wales. This includes an additional £270 million for police force budgets, so that individual forces have the resources they need.

Appointment to OSCE

I am delighted to accept the Government’s invitation to serve on the Organisation of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and to have the opportunity to address a wide range of security-related concerns alongside members from 57 countries from across Asia, Europe and North America.

Energy Switch Guarantee

I recently attended an event in Parliament hosted by the Energy Switch Guarantee where Which Switch?

Manufacturing NI at NI Committee

This morning, Jonathan McAlpin, Stephen Kelly and Richard Hogg of Manufacturing NI appeared before the Northern Ireland Select Committee to dicuss Bombardier, one of Northern Ireland’s largest employers.

Rail Franchise Consultation

The Transport Secretary, Chris Grayling MP, has written to me and other South West MPs regarding the GWR rail franchise. The Government want to ensure that there are more seats, more trains, and faster and more frequent services throughout the South West, and in London.

Recent Events

Over the last couple of days the same, small group of people who tried to derail my re-adoption process just before the last General Election have decided to have another go at destroying my personal reputation and calling into question my professionalism in my relationships with other people. The

Warburtons Bakery

I recently visited Warburtons Bakery’s site in Severnside to see how their local operation helps supply over 22,000 shops per day with fresh bread.

Thales UK

On Friday, I met with representatives from all sectors of Thales UK that operate from their Bristol sites to discuss how their South West business is expanding.

Bristol Airport Expansion

This week I met Janis Kong from Bristol Airport to discuss their exciting plans to expand capacity and deliver more jobs and investment for our region.