Today Jack Lopresti MP, as Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Apprenticeships, held an inquiry session which was the part of the inquiry into the Ministry of Defence (MoD). The session was about supporting apprenticeships in the Ministry of Defence, where Jack assessed the quality, progression, and potential of apprenticeships in the MoD. In this inquiry, Jack spoke with apprentices and those running the apprenticeships in Defence, Equipment and Support (DE&S).
DE&S employ over 11,500 staff, a mix of civil servants, military personnel and private contractors in more than 150 location around the world and are a highly specialised part of the MoD. They operate with a budget of £178 billion over the next 10 years. They deal with the procurement of everything in the MoD, such as clothes, food and aircraft carriers, and they ensure that their UK military customers, the Royal Navy, the British Army and the Royal Air Force have the equipment and support they need to carry out their duties effectively. DE&S also manage the recruitment of the Submarine Delivery Agency.
The session was the third oral evidence session for the APPG’s inquiry on supporting apprenticeships in the MoD. The APPG’s call for evidence examines what steps need to be taken to ensure that apprenticeships in the MoD continue to play a prominent role in the future. Jack spoke to the providers of the apprenticeships about how they provide them, the proportion of apprenticeships in operational and non-operational roles, qualifications and the number of careers currently available.
Jack Lopresti MP said
"It was incredibly interesting speaking to DE&S apprentices and providers. It was helpful to look into the quality of apprenticeships in the armed forces and the opportunities available within the MoD. It was especially interesting to hear specifically about aerospace and manufacturing, strategic national industries which we are very proud to have locally. It was also encouraging to hear about the progression of apprenticeships in the armed forces, the careers they lead to and the future of apprenticeships in the MoD."