I recently met with Frenchay Residents Association to hear about their latest activities and to receive a briefing about the issues residents have been raising.
One of the main themes of our discussions was local health provision and I updated the committee on my recent communications with North Bristol NHS Trust and Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Groups regarding the Community Hospital. I welcomed the concession by Andrea Young, CEO of North Bristol NHS Trust, that the Trust would not engage in discussion regarding further land sales on the Community Hospital site until the CCG had published its assessment of local health and social care needs. I informed the meeting that I will be meeting with the Parliamentary under Secretary for Public Health and Primary Care to ensure that the Government are aware of the pressing need for the Community Hospital.
Led by Prof Alan Jocelyn, Frenchay Residents Association are an active group who work together to ensure that any development or change in the local area only adds to life in Frenchay and that new residents are warmly welcomed into the community. In this spirit, Frenchay Residents Association has produced welcome packs for the homes under construction so that new residents can learn about the history of Frenchay and some of the 22 clubs that operate around the village.